Tuesday, June 18, 2019

to a runner

She is wild like the tangles of her hair
spiraling out in all directions
there is no place that she won’t go in conversation
and no land so foreign that she would not travel in person
yet all of the exuberance that she possesses may just be a way to run

She is uninhibited like a hawk in the sky
soaring free from the shackles of modern convention
unconfined by the trappings of the world
unique and unbridled, enthusiastic and expressive
and like a lone fawn in the forest, often prone to run

Her eyes sparkle with amber hues of champagne
light and effervescent, full of mystery and surprise
like bubbles in a glass, joy rises within her
drawing me in, yearning to know her fully
yearning to know and not run

She is stubbornly attached to her convictions
and often swims against the current of popular opinion
unable to fully accept ideas until they become ideals
and are firmly planted in her mind
even if they cause her to run

And these are all the ways that I have come to know her
and these are all the little things that I love about her
and while I yearn to know her more fully
I am only left with what I have been given
in the times when she does not run

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